

The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE®) is the accrediting agency for entry-level educational programs for the occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant. The School Directory contains the degree level, the institution type, the accreditation status, the accreditation term, and the academic year of the next on-site evaluation. See ACOTE Program Status Definitions for an explanation of ACOTE accreditation statuses.

Entry into the occupational therapy profession can be achieved at the master’s or doctoral degree-level. 

Entry into the occupational therapy assistant profession can be achieved at the associate or bachelor’s degree-level.

  Numbers of Programs in the Accreditation Process:

Program StatusOTDOTMOTA-BOTA-ATotal

Candidate or Preaccreditation

Applicant3816 51169

*Of the total Accredited programs, 12 OTM and 9 OTA programs have Accreditation-Inactive status.