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Publication Standards (A.4.2., A.4.3., & A.4.4.) 

A preliminary review of program compliance with the ACOTE web-related publication Standards (A.4.2., A.4.3., & A.4.4.) indicates NONCOMPLIANCE with one or more of the Standards for 30%-40% of programs. 

It is not too late to avoid an area of noncompliance! Programs are strongly encouraged to review their websites to ensure the requirements of publication Standards (A.4.2., A.4.3., & A.4.4.) are compliant. The following guidance is provided to support this process (see Sample Program Webpage – ACOTE): 

A.4.2. Publication of Program Outcomes 

  • The Standard requires program graduates and graduation rates be reported separately as well as totaled for each of the previous 3 years (3 years ONLY). New programs may not have 3 years of program graduates/graduation rates to report. 


A.4.3. Publication of ACOTE Information 

  • Ensure the CORRECT ACOTE (not AOTA) website link ( is on the program or occupational therapy department HOMEPAGE (dropdown and accordion style access is acceptable, as long as it remains on the homepage URL). 
  • Ensure the ACOTE name, address, and telephone number information is correct and published within the program’s website (7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD 20814; 301.652.6611). 


A.4.4. Published Policies and Procedures 

  • Information regarding cost must be displayed on the program’s HOMEPAGE, or accessible via a (direct) link posted on the program’s HOMEPAGE. 
  • Ensure current tuition and fees as well as the total cost of attending and completing the occupational therapy or occupational therapy assistant program is included (NOT the institutional fee schedule or generic cost).  


Home or department webpage (inclusive of accordion-style dropdown information)   Home or department webpage OR independent tab/section of program’s webpage. 

Direct, correct link to NBCOT pass rates (A.4.2) 

Direct, correct link to ACOTE (A.4.3) 

Total cost of program completion or clearly identified direct link to the program total cost information (A.4.4)  

Program graduates - separate AND totaled or past 3 years. (A.4.2.) 

Graduation rates - separate AND totaled for past 3 years.   (A.4.2.) 

Correct program accreditation status (A.4.3.) 

Correct ACOTE name, address, phone number (A.4.3.)