eAccreditation Site is Down

The eAccreditation site is down and the IT team is working around the clock to restore the system. We kindly request that you anticipate at least an additional week of downtime. We understand that this may impact your ability to complete reports due to ACOTE. Once the system is restored, we will be able to provide […]

Director’s Update – April 2024

2018 STANDARDS CLARIFICATIONS Please ensure your website is current and accurate. Use the “Sample Program Webpage” under Resources / Forms and Templates on the ACOTE website and the 2018 ACOTE Standards to ensure compliance. ACOTE will be reviewing websites annually. During this review the most common issues include: A.4.2. Publication of Program Outcomes: A.4.3. Publication […]

Director’s Update – August 2023

2018 STANDARDS CLARIFICATIONS A.5.3. Program Length ACOTE reviewed program responses to this Standard if additional information was requested. If you provided a plan, but it has not been implemented, the program will receive an area of noncompliance and will be requested to submit a formal plan of correction and subsequent progress reports. The area of […]

FROM THE DIRECTOR – Winter 2021-2022

Updates from the ACOTE® December 2021 meeting. USDE Recognition Process ACOTE is currently in the process of seeking renewal of its recognition as a specialized accreditor with the U.S. Department of Education (USDE). It has recently been brought to ACOTE’s attention that there is confusion regarding the USDE recognition process and the impact of the […]

FROM THE DIRECTOR – September 2021

Updates from the ACOTE® August 2021 meeting POLICY CHANGES ACOTE® POLICY IV.C. CLASSIFICATION OF ACCREDITATION CATEGORIES ACOTE has modified the Classification of Accreditation Categories Policy to ensure compliance with USDE regulations (see Director’s update dated August 2021). ACOTE® POLICY III. A.1. STEP ONE: THE APPLICATION REVIEW ACOTE voted to include in this policy that a […]

Important ACOTE Update – August 2021

**IMPORTANT UPDATE AND CHANGES** ACOTE® is currently undergoing US Department of Education (USDE) re-recognition review. Maintaining USDE recognition assures that federal student aid funds are purchasing quality courses and programs. ACOTE’s recognition by USDE allows the programs it accredits to be eligible to participate in federal programs such as the Scholarship for Disadvantaged Students. During […]