Director’s Update – April 2023
Below are some updates and reminders from ACOTE and the Accreditation Department. 2018 STANDARDS CLARIFICATIONS Please ensure your website is current and accurate. Use
Below are some updates and reminders from ACOTE and the Accreditation Department. 2018 STANDARDS CLARIFICATIONS Please ensure your website is current and accurate. Use
The ACOTE Website The ACOTE website has been updated! Some of the new features include: A quick reference for the steps to initial accreditation and
Happy New Year! Below are some updates and reminders from ACOTE. ANNUAL REPORTS DUE FEBRUARY 4, 2023 The Annual Report to ACOTE and Faculty Profiles
2018 STANDARDS CLARIFICATIONS A.4.2. Publication of Program Outcomes and A.4.3. Publication of ACOTE Information The Accreditation Department will be checking program websites for compliance. Please
Adding New Users The E-Accreditation system allows program officials to add or change users. Step-by-step instructions are found here. When adding a new user, please
Compliance Statement Character Limit When entering a compliance statement in the e-Accreditation system, there are varying character limits depending on the Standard. For example,
Teresa Brininger Updates from the ACOTE® January 2022 meeting 2018 STANDARDS INTERPRETATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS Standard A.5.3. Program Length ACOTE® voted to add an interpretation to
Updates from the ACOTE® December 2021 meeting. USDE Recognition Process ACOTE is currently in the process of seeking renewal of its recognition as a specialized
Updates from the ACOTE® August 2021 meeting POLICY CHANGES ACOTE® POLICY IV.C. CLASSIFICATION OF ACCREDITATION CATEGORIES ACOTE has modified the Classification of Accreditation Categories Policy